Research and Technology development projects and consultancies implemented as a principal investigator
- Productivity and feeding value of Lablab purpureus cv Rongai (MSc Thesis) (World Bank- 1994-1996).
- Calliandra calothyrsus and Lablab purpureus as a dry season protein supplements for dairy cattle in Mpigi and Wakiso districts, Uganda (Association of Uganda Professional Women in Agriculture and Environment, Macknight)- 1999-2000
- Improving feed resources availability on smallholder dairy farms in Kasenge parish, Mukono district (FARMESA (Farm Level applied Research Methods in Eastern and South Africa)/SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) -1999-2002)
- Improving forage seed production in Uganda (Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Industry/World Bank- 2000-2002).
- Technical Review of Agricultural Training and Technology Transfer to Farmers: Agricultural Sector Programme Support (ASPS)/Scanagri Denmark A/S/DANIDA- 20th September 2002 to 18th October 2002.
- Introduction of improved techniques of feed resource utilization on smallholder dairy farms in Masaka district (DANIDA -2001-2002)
- Ecological and Economic evaluation of fodder bank technologies in Mbale and Jinja districts (DANIDA and World Bank-2003-2004).
- Effect of incorporating forage legumes in intensive smallholder dairy farming systems on feed availability and animal performance (DANIDA/World Bank 2001-2003).
- Testing Fodder bank technologies with farmers in Lira and Mbarara districts (World Bank – 2003)
- Research and Development on indigenous fodder trees and shrubs in Uganda. (National Agricultural Research Organization/ICRAF/RELMA), July-August 2004.
- Improving pig production and local chicken in Wakiso district (World Bank- 2002-2004)
- Improving local poultry in Seguku village (World Bank, 2005/Wakiso district).
- Production of a farmers’ manual on “The use indigenous fodder trees and shrubs in goat production. Livestock Production Programme (LPP)/DFID(UK)
- Business plan for a mixed farm for the Christian Outreach Ministries in Uganda. Funded by Unites States of America Christian Ministries.
- Develop a feeding regime for dairy goats in Mbale, Sironko and Manafwa districts. FARM Africa (November to December 2005). (US $ 10,000)
- An innovative approach for enhancing adoption of fodder conservation technologies by smallholder dairy farmers in Masaka district (2004-2007) (US $ 50,000)
- Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpruem) Stunting Disease Control/Management Strategy in Uganda (DANIDA/World Bank/NARO/MAAIF) 2006-2009 (US$ 90,000)
- Project 7 [FS – B]: Integrated Nutrient Management Strategies for Sustainable Crop- Livestock Production Systems in the Eastern and Central Africa Region (ASARECA/AARNET), 2006-2008 (US$ 90,000)
- Improving marketing and utilization of conserved forages in ECA region (ASARECA/AARNET), 2007-2010. (US$ 90,000)
- Enhancing adoption of fodder banks and forage conservation technologies in Soroti and Manafwa districts (EZCF), 2006-2010. (US$ 50,000)
- Advancing Agroforestry Research and Development through Training and Education in Kabale and Mukono districts (The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), 2007-2010.
- Napier grass smut and stunt resistance in East and Central Africa (Ethiopia; Kenya; Tanzania, Uganda and Rothamsted Research. UK) (ASARECA- US $ 595,000; 2007- 2010).ASARECA Project- US $ 590,000
- Contributing to the basic understanding and management of Napier stunt disease in Uganda. Millennium Science Initiative/Uganda National Council of Science and Technology (US $ 249,000)
- Crop-Livestock Integration for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Building Livestock Resilience in East and Central Africa (Regional project- Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and Burundi) (US$ 420,000) Farmers’ books and manuals published.
Output from PhD study (2003-2009)
- Dairy cattle and forage management on smallholder dairy farms in Uganda (translated into Ateso, Luo, Runyakitara and Luganda), 7000 copies were distributed to stakeholders 2004-2006.
- Forage management and utilisation: A handbook for dairy farmers
- Guidelines to proper forage establishment, management and forage seed production for dairy farmers in Uganda.
- Lablab and Siratro seed production for smallholder dairy farmers.
- How to produce good forages.
- Use of maize stover/lablab residues as a dry season feed for dairy cattle
- Elephant grass/legume mixtures as feed resources for dairy cattle
- Importance of record keeping on dairy farms
- Use of homemade concentrates and mineral blocks in dairy cattle production
- Lablab fodder production, management, conservation and utilization
- Calliandra fodder production, conservation and utilization
- Homemade Molasses mineral blocks
Farmer manuals
- Kabirizi, J. and Ejobi, E. 2005. Indigenous fodder trees and shrubs as feed resources for goats in Uganda (Funded by DFID/LPP)
- Kabirizi, J. and Mutetikka, D. 2006. Feeding Calendar Guidelines for Dairy Goats in Mbale, Manafwa and Sironko districts Uganda (FARM Africa/NARO/Makerere University)
- Sikosana, J. L. N.; Kabirizi, J.; Ejobi, F.; Mohamed Mujaffar Hossain; Babu Banstola and Shrestha. H.K.2006. The importance of indigenous tree pods/fruits in goat diets: A Training manual for extension and livestock development workers. (Agricultural Research Extension, Zimbabwe; National Agricultural Research Organization; Makerere University; Bangladesh Agricultural University; NR International; Livestock Production Programme/UK). This was an output from project ZC0305 of the Livestock production Programme (LPP) of the UK Department for International Development (DFID).
- Revised version of “Watch Out for a New Napier grass disease”. The manual was translated into 5 local languages.